What to Put in Kayak Day Hatch

Posted by Author David Lee

Kayaking is an exhilarating water sport that allows you to explore nature from a unique perspective. Whether you’re planning a leisurely paddle on a calm lake or an adventurous journey down a river, proper preparation is key to a safe and enjoyable experience. One crucial aspect of kayak preparation is packing your day hatch effectively. This article will guide you through the essential items to include in your kayak’s day hatch, ensuring you’re well-equipped for your aquatic adventures.

What is a Day Hatch?

A day hatch is a small, watertight compartment typically located behind the kayaker’s seat. It’s designed to store items that you might need quick access to during your trip. Unlike the main storage compartments, the day hatch is easily reachable while you’re on the water, making it ideal for essential gear and emergency supplies.

Essential Items for Your Day Hatch

Safety First: Emergency and First Aid Supplies

Your safety should always be the top priority when kayaking. Include these items in your day hatch to be prepared for unexpected situations:

  • First aid kit (waterproof)
  • Emergency whistle
  • Small flashlight or headlamp
  • Multi-tool or river knife
  • Waterproof matches or lighter

Sun Protection

Prolonged exposure to sun and water can lead to sunburn and dehydration. Pack these items to protect yourself:

  • Sunscreen (water-resistant, SPF 30 or higher)
  • Lip balm with SPF
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Hat or cap

Navigation Tools

Even if you’re familiar with the area, it’s crucial to have navigation tools on hand:

  • Waterproof map of the area
  • Compass
  • GPS device (in a waterproof case)

Hydration and Nutrition

Kayaking can be physically demanding, so it’s important to stay hydrated and maintain your energy levels:

  • Water bottle
  • Energy-dense snacks (e.g., trail mix, energy bars, dried fruits)

Extra Clothing and Personal Items

Weather conditions can change rapidly, and you might need to adjust your attire:

  • Light jacket or rain gear
  • Quick-dry towel or chamois cloth
  • Any necessary personal medications

Communication and Documentation

In case of emergencies or for capturing memories:

  • Waterproof phone case
  • Waterproof camera (if desired)
  • ID and emergency contact information

Organizing Your Day Hatch

Effective organization of your day hatch can make a significant difference in accessibility and convenience. Here’s a suggested layout:

Top Layer Middle Layer Bottom Layer
Snacks and water First aid kit Extra clothing
Sunscreen and lip balm Navigation tools Towel
Phone in waterproof case Multi-tool Emergency supplies

Considerations for Different Kayaking Activities

The contents of your day hatch may vary depending on the type of kayaking you’re doing. Here are some additional items to consider for specific activities:


  • Fishing license
  • Small tackle box
  • Pliers
  • Fish stringer


  • Extra memory cards
  • Lens cleaning cloth
  • Spare batteries


  • Binoculars in a waterproof case
  • Bird identification guide

Maintenance and Care

To ensure your day hatch remains a reliable storage space:

  1. Regularly inspect the hatch cover for wear and tear
  2. Clean and dry the hatch after each use to prevent mold growth
  3. Use dry bags or waterproof containers for extra protection of sensitive items
  4. Organize items in order of potential need for easy access


A well-packed day hatch can significantly enhance your kayaking experience by providing quick access to essential items and ensuring you’re prepared for various situations. Remember to adjust the contents based on the specifics of your trip, including duration, location, and weather conditions. With these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy safe and memorable kayaking adventures.

Happy paddling!

Thesandshore.com is a source where the post What to Put in Kayak Day Hatch appeared first.

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