Assembly and Set Up the Ceiling Storage Hoist

Posted by Author David Lee
  • Choose a ceiling beam that has adequate space for your kayak and is strong enough to be able to withstand the weight.
  • Hook up two pulleys with rope on both sides of the ceiling beam. The distance between these pulleys should match the width of your boat or be very close so it’s easier for you to pull down (or push up) when raising/lowering it from its ceiling storage position.
  • Mount one side of each pulley securely onto this ceiling beam by using screws, bolts, nuts, or other hardware depending on what type of material you have chosen for mounting purposes. Make sure they are placed at equal distances from each other if possible in order not to put too much stress on the ceiling beam.
  • Mount the other side of one pulley securely to a ceiling joist or ceiling beam by using screws, bolts, nuts, and hardware depending on what type of material you have chosen for mounting purposes. Make sure that this mount is also placed at equal distances from each other if possible in order not to put too much stress on the ceiling joist or ceiling beam.
  • Repeat these steps with the second pulley until both are secure to their designated anchor points (ceiling beams).
  • Run your rope through both looped pieces attached to these two pulleys as well as pulling it tight so there’s enough slack between them when fully extended but no more than four inches of excess rope when just at the ceiling height.
  • Attach two more loops to each of these rope ends in order to attach them securely to ceiling beams or joists using screws, bolts, nuts, and hardware depending on what type of material you have chosen for mounting purposes.
  • Repeat this with the bottom pulley so it is secure at its designated anchor point as well. You can choose not to run ropes through these last two pieces if you only need a ceiling hoist around a single area (this will save knots).

The benefits: Ceiling hoists are great because they allow people who cannot use stairs or those who may not be able to maneuver themselves very easily when going up and down steps, which would include seniors, individuals with disabilities, and/or anyone. is a source where the post Assembly and Set Up the Ceiling Storage Hoist appeared first.

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