How to Protect Your SUP from Rodents and Insects During Storage

Posted by Author David Lee
How to Protect Your SUP from Rodents and Insects During Storage

Storing your Stand-Up Paddleboard (SUP or iSUP) properly during the off-season is essential to maintain its condition and performance. While we often focus on protecting our boards from the elements, one often overlooked threat is rodents and insects. These pests can cause significant damage to your SUP if not properly safeguarded. In this article, we’ll discuss how to protect your SUP from rodents and insects during storage, using markdown styles, lists, and tables to ensure a comprehensive guide.

Cleaning and Preparation

Mistake to Avoid: Storing your SUP with dirt, debris, or food remnants can attract pests.

Solution: Clean your SUP thoroughly before storage.

  1. Clean: Remove any dirt, sand, or debris from your board. Use marine cleaner and protectant. Pay special attention to crevices and seams where pests can hide.
  2. Remove Residue: Ensure there are no food or drink spills on your board, as these can attract rodents and insects.
  3. Dry: Make sure your SUP is completely dry before storing it. Moisture can encourage pest infestations.

Choose an Appropriate Storage Location

Mistake to Avoid: Storing your SUP in a location vulnerable to pests.

Solution: Select a storage location carefully.

  1. Indoors: Whenever possible, store your SUP indoors. A garage, shed, or basement is ideal as it offers better protection against pests. Use SUP wall-mounted racks for storage.
  2. Elevated Storage: If you must store your board outdoors, use a rack or paddle board storage pulley that keeps it off the ground. This makes it less accessible to rodents.
  3. Seal Entry Points: Inspect the storage area for any gaps, cracks, or openings where pests could enter. Seal these to prevent access.

Use Pest Deterrents

Mistake to Avoid: Neglecting to use pest deterrents increases the risk of infestation.

Solution: Implement measures to deter rodents and insects.

  1. Mothballs: Place mothballs around the storage area. The strong odor often repels rodents.
  2. Peppermint Oil: Dab cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil around the storage space. Rodents dislike the scent.
  3. Traps: Set up rodent traps or bait stations if you suspect an infestation.
  4. Insect Repellents: Use insect repellent sprays or strips to deter insects.

Secure Covers and Seals

Mistake to Avoid: Using improper or ill-fitting covers can provide easy access for pests.

Solution: Secure your SUP with appropriate covers and seals.

  1. SUP Cover: Use a high-quality SUP bag or cover that fits your board snugly. This helps keep pests out and protects against dust.
  2. Zipper Seals: Ensure the bag or cover has secure zipper seals to prevent pests from entering.
  3. Additional Barriers: Consider placing a plastic tarp or sheet over the SUP bag for added protection.

Regular Inspections

Mistake to Avoid: Neglecting to check your SUP periodically can result in unnoticed pest activity.

Solution: Schedule regular inspections of your stored SUP.

  1. Monthly Checks: Visit your storage area monthly to inspect for signs of pests or damage.
  2. Clean and Reapply Deterrents: During inspections, clean the board again and reapply mothballs, peppermint oil, or other deterrents as needed.


Protecting your SUP from rodents and insects during storage is crucial to ensuring its longevity and performance. By following the steps and solutions outlined in this guide, you can minimize the risk of pests damaging your board. Remember, prevention is key, and regular maintenance and inspections will help keep your SUP safe and ready for your next adventure on the water.

Protection Step Mistake to Avoid Solution
Cleaning and Preparation Storing with dirt or food residues Thoroughly clean and dry your SUP.
Choose an Appropriate Storage Location Storing in vulnerable areas Opt for indoor storage or elevate outdoor storage. Seal entry points.
Use Pest Deterrents Neglecting to deter rodents and insects Use mothballs, peppermint oil, traps, or repellents.
Secure Covers and Seals Using improper or ill-fitting covers Use a properly fitting SUP bag or cover with secure zipper seals.
Regular Inspections Neglecting regular checks Inspect your stored SUP monthly, clean, and reapply deterrents as needed.

With these measures in place, you can safeguard your SUP from unwanted guests and ensure it’s in excellent condition when the time comes to hit the water again. is a source where the post How to Protect Your SUP from Rodents and Insects During Storage appeared first.

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