We've been using mooring snubbers aboard our boats for many years, as they definitely help take the 'shock' off the dock lines and cleats. Easy to install, with just a regular dock line used, they are great to have aboard for when conditions get bouncy on the dock. They made of highly elastic rubber and can be used for motor or sailing boats.
12.09.2024 12:08
What is a boat snubber? Well boat snubber is used for dock lines and mooring lines. What you do is you're going to take your 3/4 an inch of an inch to a half-inch rope, pull it through the one eyelet. Than take it down, you're gonna wrap it around the snubber four to five times bringing it all the way down to this other ends to continue the rope through. So if you can imagine going from your dock cleat to the cleat on your boat with this in between it. So if you're in a place that has high tidal issues or you're just looking for a quick disconnect and connect to the dock, try thу mooring snubber. The reason why we wrap it four to five times down the boat snubber is as this stretches due to the boat getting pulled out because of the tide or the change in the tide, this is going to release the rope down in. When the tide comes back in, the ropes going to get pulled back up it, pulling the boat back to the dock keeping this nice and tight and your boat close to the dock. Moring is a major issue in any boat in his life. You need good mooring lines and you need to keep them in good order. It's also important to use a good mooring snubbers to cushion deck fittings from violin snatching caused by wind or surf. A mooring compensator provides cushion suspension for mooring lines dock and deck cleats. It's usually made from rubber with excellent weather an ozone resistance. What makes the mooring compensator unique is a locking mechanism designed to fit different line diameters. The locking mechanism prevents the line from slipping increasing line lifespan and assuring efficient cushioning. The unique design makes fitting the line comfortable. The mooring snubbers (compensators) come in some different sizes so you can choose the best fit for your boat.