If PFD Won’t Inflate Manually

Posted by Author David Lee

While most inflatable PFDs work reliably, it’s essential to know what to do if your PFD fails to inflate manually. This article will guide you through the steps to take in such a situation and provide tips on maintaining your PFD to prevent future issues.

Immediate Actions

If you find yourself in a situation where your PFD won’t inflate manually, follow these steps:

  1. Stay calm: Panic can lead to poor decision-making and exhaustion.
  2. Attempt oral inflation: Locate the oral inflation tube and blow into it to inflate the PFD.
  3. Use backup flotation: If available, use any backup flotation devices you may have.
  4. Signal for help: Use a whistle, wave your arms, or shout to attract attention.

Causes of Manual Inflation Failure

Understanding why a PFD might fail to inflate manually can help prevent future issues:

Cause Description
CO2 cartridge issues Empty, loose, or improperly installed cartridge
Mechanism malfunction Corrosion or damage to the inflation mechanism
Leak in the air bladder Punctures or worn seams in the PFD
User error Improper activation of the inflation mechanism

Preventive Maintenance

To ensure your PFD functions correctly when needed, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Regular inspections: Check your PFD before each use for signs of wear or damage.
  • Proper storage: Store your PFD in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Annual service: Have your PFD professionally serviced annually.
  • Replace CO2 cartridges: After each inflation or if the cartridge shows signs of corrosion.

Testing Your PFD

Regularly testing your PFD can help identify potential issues before an emergency:

  1. Put on the PFD and adjust it properly.
  2. Enter shallow water where you can stand.
  3. Manually inflate the PFD.
  4. Check that it provides adequate buoyancy.
  5. Deflate the PFD and repeat the test using oral inflation.

Choosing the Right PFD

Selecting a reliable PFD is crucial for your safety:

  • Choose a Coast Guard-approved PFD.
  • Ensure the PFD is appropriate for your intended activities.
  • Consider a PFD with both manual and automatic inflation options.
  • Check for comfort and proper fit to encourage consistent wear.


While manual inflation failures in PFDs are rare, being prepared for such situations can save lives. Regular maintenance, proper usage, and knowing alternative inflation methods are key to ensuring your safety on the water. Remember, the best PFD is the one you wear consistently and maintain properly.

Thesandshore.com is a source where the post If PFD Won’t Inflate Manually appeared first.

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