Choosing the Right Thickness Wetsuit for UK Paddle Boarding

Posted by Author David Lee
Choosing the Right Thickness Wetsuit for UK Paddle Boarding

Paddle boarding has gained immense popularity in the United Kingdom in recent years. With its stunning coastline, picturesque lakes, and rivers, the UK offers numerous opportunities for paddle boarding enthusiasts to explore its waters. However, the UK’s waters are notoriously chilly, even during the summer months. To fully enjoy paddle boarding in these conditions, it’s crucial to invest in the right wetsuit. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors to consider when choosing a wetsuit and help you determine the ideal thickness for your UK paddle boarding adventures.

Understanding Wetsuit Thickness

Before delving into the specifics of paddle boarding in the UK, it’s important to understand how SUP wetsuit thickness affects your comfort and safety in the water.

How Thickness Affects Warmth

Wetsuits are designed to keep you warm by trapping a thin layer of water between your body and the suit. Your body heat warms this layer, providing insulation against the cold water. The thickness of a wetsuit determines how effectively it can retain this insulating layer.

  • Thicker wetsuits provide more insulation and are suitable for colder waters.
  • Thinner wetsuits are less insulating and are better suited for warmer conditions.

To choose the right wetsuit thickness for UK paddle boarding, it’s crucial to consider the water temperature and the season in which you plan to paddle.

UK Paddle Boarding Seasons

The UK experiences a range of temperatures throughout the year, making it necessary to have wetsuits of varying thicknesses to match the season.


  • Average Water Temperature: 8°C – 12°C (46°F – 54°F)
  • Recommended Wetsuit Thickness: 5/4mm or 4/3mm

Spring paddle boarding in the UK can be exhilarating, but it requires a wetsuit with adequate thickness to combat the chilly waters. A 5/4mm or 4/3mm wetsuit provides the necessary insulation to keep you warm during this season.


  • Average Water Temperature: 14°C – 18°C (57°F – 64°F)
  • Recommended Wetsuit Thickness: 3/2mm

Summer is the most popular season for paddle boarding in the UK. While the water is warmer than in spring or autumn, it can still be quite cool. A 3/2mm wetsuit strikes the right balance between warmth and flexibility, allowing you to enjoy the sport comfortably.


  • Average Water Temperature: 11°C – 15°C (52°F – 59°F)
  • Recommended Wetsuit Thickness: 4/3mm or 3/2mm

Autumn paddle boarding in the UK presents similar challenges to spring. A 4/3mm or 3/2mm wetsuit is appropriate for these conditions. Be prepared for fluctuating temperatures as the season progresses.


  • Average Water Temperature: 7°C – 11°C (45°F – 52°F)
  • Recommended Wetsuit Thickness: 5/4mm or 6/5/4mm (with accessories)

Paddle boarding during the UK winter requires a serious wetsuit. A 5/4mm or even a 6/5/4mm wetsuit, along with accessories like gloves, booties, and a hood, is essential to stay warm and safe in these frigid waters.

Selecting the Right Wetsuit Thickness

Choosing the right wetsuit thickness involves considering both temperature and the style of wetsuit that best suits your needs.

Temperature Considerations

As previously mentioned, the water temperature in the UK varies significantly throughout the year. When selecting a wetsuit, always refer to the water temperature for your specific location and season. The goal is to strike a balance between staying warm and maintaining mobility.

  • Cold Water (below 12°C/54°F): Opt for a 5/4mm or 6/5/4mm wetsuit with appropriate accessories.
  • Cool Water (12°C – 18°C/54°F – 64°F): Choose a 4/3mm or 3/2mm wetsuit.
  • Warmer Water (above 18°C/64°F): A 3/2mm wetsuit is sufficient.

Wetsuit Styles

Wetsuits come in various styles, each catering to different activities and preferences. The two main styles suitable for paddle boarding are full suits and spring suits:

  • Full Suits: These cover the entire body and are suitable for colder water conditions. They offer more warmth but can limit mobility slightly.
  • Spring Suits: Also known as shorty suits, these wetsuits have short arms and legs. They are ideal for warmer conditions and provide better mobility. However, they offer less insulation than full suits.

The choice between a full suit and a spring suit depends on the season and your personal comfort. In colder months, a full suit is recommended for maximum warmth, while a spring suit can be a great option for summer paddle boarding.

Wetsuit Thickness Chart

To make it easier to choose the right wetsuit thickness for your UK paddle boarding adventures, here’s a helpful chart summarizing the recommendations:

Season Average Water Temperature Recommended Wetsuit Thickness
Spring 8°C – 12°C (46°F – 54°F) 5/4mm or 4/3mm
Summer 14°C – 18°C (57°F – 64°F) 3/2mm
Autumn 11°C – 15°C (52°F – 59°F) 4/3mm or 3/2mm
Winter 7°C – 11°C (45°F – 52°F) 5/4mm or 6/5/4mm (with accessories)

Keep in mind that personal tolerance to cold varies, so always consider your own comfort level and make adjustments accordingly.

Additional Tips for Staying Warm

In addition to choosing the right wetsuit thickness, consider these tips for staying warm and safe during your UK paddle boarding adventures:

  1. Layering: Wear thermal undergarments beneath your wetsuit for added insulation.
  2. Accessories: Invest in neoprene gloves, booties, and a hood to protect extremities from the cold.
  3. Check Weather and Tide: Be aware of weather conditions and tidal changes before heading out to ensure a safe paddle.
  4. Paddle with a Buddy: It’s safer to paddle with a partner, especially in colder conditions.
  5. Know Your Limits: If you’re new to cold-water paddling, start in milder conditions and gradually work your way up.


Paddle boarding in the United Kingdom offers breathtaking views and a unique way to connect with nature. However, the cold waters can be challenging, and the right wetsuit is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. By understanding the relationship between wetsuit thickness, water temperature, and seasonal variations, you can make an informed choice that keeps you warm and comfortable while paddle boarding in the UK’s beautiful waters. Remember to prioritize safety and enjoy the adventure! is a source where the post Choosing the Right Thickness Wetsuit for UK Paddle Boarding appeared first.

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